Colorado Business Exchange

Colorado Business Exchange is committed to achieving equitable, efficient, transfers of ownership for our c

lients, both buyers and sellers. Our goal is to help you buy a business that is right for you. We will discuss both the positive and negative attributes to our offerings. We will help you to consider your strengths and weaknesses and how they will mesh with your role as an owner operator. If the business is right for you, we will help you buy it. On the other hand, if the business is not right for you, we dont want you to buy it. We specialize in small businesses with gross sales less than $5,000,000. Specialization: If you are serious about buying a business, adding your profile to our database will be a great asset to your search. The profile includes your business background, as well as your interests. We receive new listings daily and cross search these with client profiles. When we find a match we email a brief summary of the opportunity. If you want more details, you contact us. If you are not interested, delete the email. When entering your profile please be as detailed as possible. The more information we have, the better we are able to help you find the perfect opportunity. Visit (Click BUYERS, then Buyer Registration) Affiliations International Businesses Broker{s Association (IBBA). Awarded the Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) designation from the IBBA. Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries (CABI). Northern Colorado Commercial Association of Realtors (NCCAR).  
Colorado Business Exchange

Colorado Business Exchange

Business Broker Id : 2440

Region : Colorado

Telephone : 303-35...

Colorado Business Exchange is committed to achieving equitable, efficient, transfers of ownership for our clients, both buyers and sellers.

Our goal is to help you buy a business that is right for you. We will discuss both the positive and negative attributes to our offerings. We will help you to consider your strengths and weaknesses and how they will mesh with your role as an owner operator. If the business is right for you, we will help you buy it. On the other hand, if the business is not right for you, we dont want you to buy it.

We specialize in small businesses with gross sales less than $5,000,000.

If you are serious about buying a business, adding your profile to our database will be a great asset to your search. The profile includes your business background, as well as your interests. We receive new listings daily and cross search these with client profiles. When we find a match we email a brief summary of the opportunity. If you want more details, you contact us. If you are not interested, delete the email. When entering your profile please be as detailed as possible. The more information we have, the better we are able to help you find the perfect opportunity.
Visit www.******.** (Click BUYERS, then Buyer Registration)


International Businesses Broker{s Association (IBBA). Awarded the Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) designation from the IBBA. Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries (CABI). Northern Colorado Commercial Association of Realtors (NCCAR).

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19 Old Town Square Fort Collins 0 80524

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