General Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions related to our pricing and services, click on the FAQs given below for det


ailed answers. You can refine the search by selecting a category from the list given on the right side of the page.

General FAQ's

To remove a listing just log in to the sellers area and click \"Sold this Business\" at the right side of the listings Table or else just send us an email to detailing which listing you need taken down and we will do it for you.
This is very important if you cannot find your business, Please log back in your account. Click on to View Adverts Businesses section ( on your left side menu) if you can see your business here. It means business is live and on the site. To Find it on website , Please make sure you have selected the City you listed your business under. If you do not see the business, you must click on Create Advert and make sure you click the button on the bottom of the page "Click here to Create Advert" once you have finished. It is advised to save the business details in a word document so you do not have retype it again.
When creating a listing there is a field 'Price Numeric'.The value put in this field is what is used for the price search. Please log back into the system and confirm that the value given in the Price Numeric field is accurate.Please note that we will not display the numeric price on the listing. It is only used for the price search.
For all information on prices for different packages that give different levels of exposure to your business. Please visit Once you have decided on a package just fill the registration form at the bottom of the page and follow the steps to register your business on our site.
Your images may be too big in size or your internet connection may be too slow to handle upload. 1. Please resize them to 600x600 ( max width x max height ) and then try to upload them . If you do not have software to resize images please go to 2. Or you can try uploading images 1 by 1 instead of uploading 5 at a time. Or else just send us an email to with the images attached and we will upload them for you.

Please fill the Contact Us form and let us know which Category you wish to  be added

Business2Sell is not a Business Broker Agent, so legally we are unable to advise you on how to sell your business. For specific advise we highly recommend you consult a certified business broker.
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