Business Services Business For Sale in Orlando Florida

Software Development Give Away Sale Unique Product

Advert Id: 50806
  • Location:Orlando, Florida
  • Category:Business Services
  • Asking Price:$495,000
  • 495000
  • Sales revenue :$500,000
  • Net profit :Undisclosed
  • Furniture/Fixtures value :$20,000
  • Inventory/Stock value : Undisclosed

Business description

This is a completely developed product line for schools and human resources that keeps track of training of students and employees. So that the school or employer can obtain reimbursement of any government or private funds that are being offered for companies to retrain employees or students in the health fields or the schools or collages. This program generate over 160 different types of reports and keeps track of all training and courses a student or employee undertakes or should take to qualify for a license or repayment of a student loan or grant. Without these details millions of revenue may be lost to the training organization, collage, hospital or private companies, Individuals can purchase and use the very affordable software to show a prospective employer that they have attended courses and have a complete history of their education.This software has taken years to develop and is not only suitable for institutions, hospitals, collages, training centers, in house training departments but also for human resources and recruitment businesses that require to keep detailed records of individuals. This is an ideal business that is unique and sells direct to the end user at a very reasonable purchase price. As it is being sold at this moment It can be purchased at different levels and can be purchased out right with out addition payments or fees, but a buyer can change this to a monthly fee or an annual fee if this suits their plans.Third World country's like Africa are retraining vast amounts of people and training employees that have never had employment in their life before and the government is paying for this training, but only if it is provable by detailed records and reports showing that the training has been not only been given but has a value to the country and the institution or business.The reported sales and earnings are just a small reflection on what a buyer can obtain as this product has only just come on to the market.

  • Is Business Relocatable?: Yes
  • Is Business Home Based?: Yes
  • Competition: This is so unique a product that there will not be very many development companies that will go after this market and with a targeted sales approach opposition should not be a problem as this is only suited for certain business. Collages, Schools, training centers, hospitals Universities recruitment agencies, Government retraining centers. Once this program is demonstrated it is sold.
  • Expansion: The World is your oyster and a if it is licensed in other countries or sold through tele marketing sales rooms the potential of this product in the hands of a marketing person is frighting.
  • Years Established: 2001
  • Employees: 2
  • Support Training: Sellers (husband and wife) who have developed this software will train and support a buyer and will be available for support and additional assistance after the sale and also for training and installing part time as they are retiring but will offer free support for at least three month included in the purchase price.
  • Reason For Selling: Sellers have spent years in development & know it will now take a sale person
John Price,broker & Associates

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