Full service sign business including removal & installation, design & fabrication, service & repair, permitting & engineering, and surveys for new and existing locations. Most of our work is for national accounts which mass produce signage for large companies & franchises and want this business to pull the permits, install the signs and provide service/repair in the central Florida region. They have (7) specialized trucks including 100’ & 50’ cranes, 45’ articulating double bucket, 45’ articulating bucket, 55’ ladder, 30’ bucket, and van. They have fully equipped shop for fabrication, including CNC router, large paint booth, digital printer, vinyl plotter, saws, drills, and tools of all kinds. The business has a warehouse/office facility with over 9000 sf. At this facility they install and fabricate signs of all kinds, including illuminated and non-illuminated; LED, fluorescent and neon lit; single & double faced cabinets, flush mounted and raceway mounted channel letters; pylons; monuments; wall signs; way finding signs; directional signs; electronic message centers; post & panel signs; sand blasted signs; window & door vinyl; flat cut out letters; and more. Orders come in daily via email, phone & fax with no dedicated sales effort required. Owner is retiring but available part time to assist in training and expansion.
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