This very profitable Pennsylvania internet service provider has been in business since 1997. The company has kept pace with technology and keeps area internet users connected with both high speed access and dial up service. The company owns three towers providing wireless connectivity for their residential customers, commercial and government accounts. Half of the company revenue comes from 10 major accounts. Services provided include wireless connections, dial-up, DSL, and hosting.
This is a low maintenance high cash flow business that can be owned and managed remotely with only a single employee or sub-contracted technician in the market. Customer invoicing, service, correspondence and administration can all be done remotely. This ISP business provides the owner with a solid six figure income and a very flexible work schedule. The current owner is looking to divest the business to focus on another IT-related consulting business. The owner currently works about 10 hours per week in the business. Although the business is not completely relocatable, it can be run remotely.
The business area is primarily rural and provides service to businesses located in the city which is the county seat. The population in the county is very stable. Residential customers are value oriented that want service priced below what Verizon and Comcast can offer. The ISP business is now also a Direct TV dealer and can compete effectively with the bundled service providers.
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