This is a beautiful gift store offering personalized gift items, home décor, baby items, candles, stationary, bridal gifts and much more. The company continues to entice it’s 3,500+- customer data base with a broad range of seasonal gifts ensuing a high level of return customers. This popular establishment is managed by a full time owner and several part-time employees depending upon seasonable demands. Well-developed systems and strong business practices are in place to provide for efficient operations. Sales are up month over month for 2015. It is located in an affluent growing area in North DFW area. Currently there is a simple website and few online sales. A new owner can largely increase online sales, and thereby increase sales and profits. This offering is structured as an asset sale. This is neither an offer nor a solicitation to sell securities. Real Estate Brokerage License on file. For more information, please contact Gateway Mergers & Acquisitions at * * ***. For more about the buying process, go to [Web Link Censored].
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