Famous Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt Store Available!
Located In Prime Los Angeles Area!
Very Busy High Traffic Plaza!
Extremely Clean & Neat Store!
Seller Takes Pride In The Business!
Seller Invested $350,000 To Open This Store!
Huge Shopping Plaza!
Heavy Traffic Spot!
Store Is Located At The Corner!
Truly High Visibility!
Opens 7 Days A Week!
Operates From 10am Till 10pm!
Large Store With 2,000 Square Feet!
Seating Capacity 60 Individuals!
Monthly Rent Is About $4,600 Including CAM!
Huge Parking Lot For 300 Plus Cars!
Sales Includes All Fixtures & Equipment!
Sales Also Includes Inventory!
Business Is Netting $55K After All Expenses!
Absolutely Easy Turnkey Opportunity!
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Asking Price: $349,950
Annual Gross: $200,000
Annual Net: $55,000
Year Established: 2010
Employees: 4
Reason For Sale: Retirement
Monthly Rent: $3,350 + CAM
FF&E: $350,000
Inventory: $7,000
Hurry Before It Is Sold!
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