This is a convenience store with liquor store located in Merced County CA.
* The store is situated near major highway and it has good traffic exposure.
* Gross sales upto $50,000 per month with good profit margin, as per owner.
* Additional Income of $4,000 last year comes from lotto, Check Cashing service, money transfer service, and phone cards.
* This sale include Type 21 Off Sale General license with furniture, fixtures, and equipment owned by the owner.
* The buyer may also plan to bring a convenience store franchise to brand it with franchisor approval.
* Currently there is no EBT program available at this location but the buyer may try to bring that.
* Current rent is about $2,213 per month, low compare to other liquor stores.
* Buyer may get long-term lease from the landlord after negotiation on terms acceptable to both parties.
* Owner is willing to finance the sale for qualified buyer with mentioned down payment.
* Inventory is not included in sale price and sold separately.
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