Business has been established for 8 years with current owner running the business absentee for 4 years. This business needs a more agressive on hand Owner operator to provide quality service and increase the business. A great opportunity for a first time buyer or an experienced operator to grow the business.
The Seller is the Landlord iand s willing to assist the Buyer by having lowered the Rent so a Buyer can rebuild the business and make it profitable. Landlord has agreed to rent of only $3000 per month for the first two years, then $4000 for the next two, $5000 for the next 3 years and then finally back to original rent of $6000 per month on eighth year followed by CPI adjustments. The Landlord has also agreed to reduce Property Tax to $400 monthly for the first 3 years, then back to actual $800 monthly thereafter,
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