Very well established dollar store with a supper market included. This business is ideally located for this type of business and is a fully fledged store that caters for working class market that is all around in the general area. There is nothing that this store does not have to sell. It has lotto and a whole list of other services that bring in additional revenue each month. Owner operates the business on his own with the help of a manager and three staff and has a payroll of $7,000 per month that could be part of a family income. The rent for this amount of space is very reasonable. Parking is right outside in a vast shopping area. Business operates with about $100,000 to $125,000 of inventory. The reason that the business is for sale is that the seller is leaving the country to operate his family businesses back in his homeland and will look at all offers very seriously. This is a turnkey operation that is up and running very well and would suite a family that is looking for a business that would qualify for a visa to live and reside in the USA. It would also be very good for a Spanish speaking operator that could take advantage of the growing Hispanic market. This business is so under priced and only on the market for personal reasons.
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