The business repairs and sells computers and its peripheral equipments and parts at wholesale and retail levels. They have 2 retail sales/repair service locations in North Orange County. Their warehouse is also located in Orange County. Their annual sales are about $420K – evenly divided at about 50% in sales and 50% from repairs. The business has done extremely well since they opened for business in 2007. The reason for their success is because of service quality and customer care. Understanding that most customers understand very little about computer, the business has guided and spoon-fed its customers as if they were little children. Such caring customer service has worked wonders for them. As evidence, the shop is often times flooded with as many repeat customers as new. Meeting the needs and solving the computer problems have been emotionally and mentally gratifying and financially rewarding for the business. Range of walk-in customer count at its main retail store in Garden Grove is about 60-150 a day. On average, it’s about 100 walk-in customers per day. Thus, their business is flourishing. Given more manpower and ability to provide the same quality of customer service, their sales could greatly increase. This is a very good, viable business for someone with love for computers and good interpersonal skills. It could also be a positive addition for an existing company that is already in the computer sales and/or repairs industry.
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