The complete design/manufacturing rights for both a full-sized and compact-sized lightweight non-rusting dump insert (and options) that goes into a pick up truck and turns it into dump truck. It can be installed and removed in minutes and is capable of dumping 3000 lbs. Two patents cover this product line. This is ideal for landscapers, builders, municipalities, road crews, farmers or anyone that does not want to have to unload by hand at the dump site. After the design of the full-sized unit, the second unit for small pickups was designed and produced. The seller, who was about to start supplying a big box warehouse, ran out of working capital. Units were previously manufactured in lots of 25 but really needed to be done in quantities of a least 100 or more to obtain better parts pricing to meet the large distributor's need for higher margins. The seller is offering out-right sale of the two patents, all engineering drawings (CAD-CAM ready), all vendor names, sources of parts and subcontractors used, complete specs and details on every aspect of the units and their optional accessories. We will enter into a royalty and consulting agreement, as needed, with the buyer as well as being "on call" to assist with most issues.
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