Consistent growing profits with clean financial records.
The company foundation is the Verizon Wireless (VZW) Agent business. This business is based on the purchase and resale of wireless service, equipment and accessories. The business has grown organically by adding services through the years.
They have additional revenue streams derived from Satellite TV, Wi-Fi Networking for boosting signals within a building, Home Audio/Video Sales and Service. Over the past 20+ years, they have become known as the place in their area to go for communication equipment and services. There is little local competition in any of their segments.
The internet service provider (ISP) business for rural customers without cable access has been growing and provides a stable recurring-revenue stream. This market segment continues to grow organically.
Sales breakdown is approximately 45% Verizon Phones and Accessories, 40% ISP and 15% other products and services. Current sales for 2022 7%+ ahead of 2021.
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