For decades, catering to the retail homeowner and the wholesale builder / remodeler, this store has provided virtually every type and major brand of floor covering from vinyl and ceramic tiles to laminate and hardwood floors to carpets and rugs with ceiling tiles and counter tops as well. This wide range of vendors and suppliers is one of several differences that distinguishes this operation from other local options.
The current owner rode the housing bubble to 2006 and 2007 highs of over $1,000,000 revenues and $150,000 discretionary earnings. Gross Margins have been consistently above 40% even in the worst of times. Wholesale customers have produced very few account write-offs thus preserving their sales volume. Employees have been high performing and loyal with years still left to work.
Free-standing building offers a large, well lighted showroom beautifully merchandised with product displays as well as ample office space and an adequate inventory warehouse with loading dock. Location is on a well known and traveled major city street offering high visibility and abundant customer parking at the front door.
Owner may provide some financing for an approved buyer.
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