Look at this Family Owned Cash Rich Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Business. Established for over 34 years it has been greatly appreciated by the community. The Seller was the first licensed private company in the County to provide non-emergency medical transportation.The thirty four years success of the seller's business stems from the thorough employee screening, solid training programs, and a family atmosphere that is carried out into the community. The seller is proud of the relationships and contracts that they have established with all the area hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and Public Transportation. 1000 sq ft office building and .17 acres of land included.
Owner Financing Available for qualified buyers.
Approximately 3.6 million Americans miss or delay medical care because they lack appropriate transportation to their appointments. Many low-income Americans lack the disposable income necessary to have access to a working automobile, and may lack public transit options to get to and from medical appointments. Medicaid provides a nonemergency medical transportation benefit that pays for the least costly and appropriate way of getting people to their appointments whether by taxi, van, public transit or mileage reimbursement.
This brief provides an overview of the different ways states are dealing with the increase in people who need transportation to medical services because of age, chronic conditions or income. It is intended to provide guidance for state lawmakers to consider the vital role transportation plays in positive health outcomes for citizens.
The Increasing Need for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services
Medicaid funds are the single largest transfer of federal money to states, representing an average of 44 percent of all federal revenue received. The transportation component is about $3 billion of that yearly fund transfer, making up less than 1 percent of total Medicaid expenditures. Though a small percentage of Medicaid overall, consistent transportation access to healthcare helps enhance the medical outcomes of Medicaid recipients and leads to cost-savings.
With more medical care provided on an outpatient basis, and an increasing number of people with chronic conditions, trips to medical appointments are the lifeblood of a sustainable healthcare system. Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) provides trips to and from scheduled medical appointments, return trips from hospital emergency rooms and transfers between hospitals for people without access to transportation. By providing consistent and efficient access to medical appointments, states can save money by helping these individuals avoid costly ambulance trips or emergency room visits.
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