Looking for the right restaurant is always a challenge. Top notch build-out and immaculate front and back of house. We rarely get them looking this good. Make money from day one with proven trak record, excellent staff and management. Solid menu with proven concept enjoy your evenings as they serve breakfast & Lunch. If you are looking at restaurants be sure this one is on your list.
Located in a class A strip plaza with major supermarket anchor next door. Tons of parking for all customers. 20 Ft Hood and Ansul, Walk in cooler, fryers and seating inside for 75 guests plus another 4 tables outside. Plenty of room for expanded hours, add beer & wine, catering and events along with sports and school partnerships and sponsoring. Important: All buyers must sign a non disclosure. Either request an electronic one download the one attached to the ad. No information can be released prior including location. Seller may ask for proof of funds prior to any showings
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