On-site repair of all types of heating, cooling, electrical and plumbing for both the residential and commercial / industrial customer so that the complete job can be handled by a single provider. The focus is on the more difficult jobs where competency is compensated and bend over backwards customer service earns future business. The business is open Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 4pm with 24 hour per day, 7 day per week emergency service available on-call In business since 1972, the current owner has operated the business since 1994, preferring to cater to service and retro-fit customers rather than building contractors. Plumbing is the newest addition to the business and the largest growth area
Seller owns the 6,000 square foot facility which contains approximately 2,000 square feet of office space with the balance being warehouse, all on a single floor in a heavy traffic count location
Seller will provide some financing for a qualified buyer
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