Corporate Finance Associates of Ohio

Founded in 1956, Corporate Finance Associates (CFA) is one of the oldest and largest investment banks in th

e U.S. focused on the middle market. We facilitate the buying, selling, and capitalizing of privately held manufacturing, distribution, and B2B/C service businesses in the context of our own SEC registered broker-dealer, Corporate Finance Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. CFA is completely independent and has offices worldwide. Our M&A advisors are securities licensed and registered, which allows them to facilitate any type of business transfer transaction in full compliance with all Federal and State securities laws. Our service focus includes mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, recapitalizations, sales, financing, and strategic/exit planning. The geographic focus of the CFA Columbus office is OH and its contiguous states.
Corporate Finance Associates of Ohio

Corporate Finance Associates of Ohio

Business Broker Id : 2863

Region : OH, IN, PA, WV

Telephone : 614-47...

Founded in 1956, Corporate Finance Associates (CFA) is one of the oldest and largest investment banks in the U.S. focused on the middle market.

We facilitate the buying, selling, and capitalizing of privately held manufacturing, distribution, and B2B/C service businesses in the context of our own SEC registered broker-dealer, Corporate Finance Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC.

CFA is completely independent and has offices worldwide. Our M&A advisors are securities licensed and registered, which allows them to facilitate any type of business transfer transaction in full compliance with all Federal and State securities laws.

Our service focus includes mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, recapitalizations, sales, financing, and strategic/exit planning. The geographic focus of the CFA Columbus office is OH and its contiguous states.

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2720 Airport Drive, Suite 100 Columbus ohio 43219

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